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Guiltless Guacamole Premium PD Recipe

Avocados are falsely marketed as a magical health food. When we stop eating them we slim down effortlessly, reduce cholesterol, and improve insulin reception to reverse diabetes. The most effective way to eliminate inflammatory disease and slim down is to eliminate high-fat foods. We receive a perfect balance of healthy fats with the consumption of whole grains, beans, fruit and vegetables. Avocados are neither essential nor beneficial in order to achieve optimal health, and, in fact, are counterproductive to achieving a lean body mass. The FDA recommended serving size is just 1/5, (30 grams/1.1 oz) of a medium size avocado. That is considerably less than what most people consume in a sitting. I encourage you to ditch the high-fat avocado and instead guiltlessly scoop up creamy protective avocado-free guacamole with whole-grain baked corn tortilla chips while you read about healthy microbe food preferences and The Gut Microbiome Population Project.


Article printed from Protective Diet: https://protectivediet.com

URL to article: https://protectivediet.com/recipe/guiltless-guacamole/

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