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Miso Healthy Rice Bowl Premium PD Recipe

Miso offers rice a creamy texture and outstanding umami flavor. Miso paste is packed with savory toasted salty-sweet notes. It is the flavor base of everyday Japanese cooking. I celebrate its unique taste and protective properties that keep fresh all year in my refrigerator when using miso. With a lengthy two-step fermentation process, I’m leaving miso-making to the pros until I become one. Miso makers combine rice, barley, or soybeans with a mold called Aspergillus oryzae to ferment into koji. They then mix koji with cooked soybeans and a salt-water brine and allow it to ferment for up to 18 months, putting airborne yeast and lactobacilli to work to produce lactic acid. Miso’s flavors are unique to what ingredients are combined and how long it is left to ferment and develop. Selecting miso paste is fun, and you’ll feel like a miso aficionado if you read this before heading to the market. White miso, also called shiro, made with rice, barley, and soybeans, is mild and sweet. My favorite is red miso. Red miso, also called aka miso, is fermented longer than white, giving it a deeper color and flavor. Genmai, brown rice miso, is a red miso with a nice nutty flavor. Yellow miso, called shinshu miso, has an acidic flavor and contains less salt than red. Awase miso, also called mixed miso, is a combination of red and white miso pastes, offering the sweetness of mild white and richness of red. Kome miso is what is usually sold in the United States. Kome is white miso paste that is available in white, yellow, and red. It varies in sweetness and richness based on whether the soybeans were boiled or steamed. Mugi misois is often called barley miso. It is not one I would choose as it is the sweetest from using barley malt syrup and has a funky malt flavor. Mame miso is a reddish-brown pungent-flavored grain-free soybean miso that is aged up to three years. It’s popular in Japan, but not the miso I would recommend to a miso newbie. After trying a few, you will know your favorite. I currently have two red miso pastes in my Protective Diet Workplace for Wellness. They’re both organic, started with brown rice, and fermented with soybeans, as are all traditional Japanese miso – fermented to fuel our gut’s good guys and populated with protective angiogenesis inhibitors found in soybeans. Miso is protective when used as a light flavor enhancer as it contains more sodium than our favorite low-sodium tamari.


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