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Natural Laundry Detergent Premium PD Recipe

This effective easy-make natural laundry detergent will cut household costs dramatically and eliminate the chemical bath your clothes are currently taking. Commercial detergents and fabric softeners pollute our waterways and the air we breathe, and absorb into our system through our skin. This can break down the foundation of our immune system and irritate our skin and respiratory system. Protective Diet Natural Laundry Detergent will leave your blender pitcher sparkling clean and your laundry soft and beautifully clean. Choose fresh unscented or a light kiss of essential oils for just pennies per naturally clean load, offering protection for humans, animals and our planet.

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Article printed from Protective Diet: https://protectivediet.com

URL to article: https://protectivediet.com/recipe/natural-laundry-detergent/

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