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Class #008 – Understanding Cholesterol

Julie Marie December 24, 2013

Protective Diet Class #008 Notes:

Understanding Cholesterol

This class clears up confusing claims about cholesterol. Large molecules, like cholesterol, damage the intercellular junctions between endothelial cells, allowing deposits to build up and obstruct blood flow. A diet that protects the endothelium has the power to reverse and prevent buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. Be heart attack proof with the full, consistent application of a Protective Diet.



Heart DiseaseStatin DrugsTotal Cholesterol ScoreFatty Streaks
ArteriosclerosisCholesterolOptimal RangeHigh Density Lipoproteins (HDL)
PlaqueSaturated FatLipitorLow Density Lipoproteins (LDL)
PhytosterolsTrans FatCrestorFatty Liver

Action Steps for Optimal Cholesterol

Get Clarity on Confusing Cholesterol Claims

It’s okay to eat foods containing cholesterol because my body actually needs it.The liver naturally produces all the cholesterol you need.All dietary cholesterol is excess cholesterol in the body and must be managed by the liver.All dietary cholesterol is unnecessary and interferes with the body’s natural process.
High Cholesterol is very common and not something to worry about.High Cholesterol (a buildup of plaque in the arteries) inhibits blood flow, starving the cells of the necessary energy &information for proper function. This leads to every other disease.When plaque accumulates it becomes brittle & can crack and rupture. The body clots to stop the bleeding. When a clot occurs in the arteries=a heart attack. Heart disease (hardening of the arteries) is the #1 killer of men and women in the US.
Heart disease is something elderly people have to deal with.In the US, 100% of children, age 10, have fatty streaks in their blood.By age 20 plaques are forming.By age 30 the condition is progressing toward heart disease (hardening of the arteries).
If my total cholesterol score is below 200 it’s in the Optimal Range and I am not at risk.75% of heart attacks occur in people within this “optimal range”.Doctors do not prescribe cholesterol lowering medication until total cholesterol exceeds 200 because the side effects of the drugs are considered more risky than a heart attack.
Lipid lowering drugs (Statins) are a quick fix for high cholesterol.Only 1/100 people with high cholesterol taking statins will avoid a heart attack.Statins (Lipitor & Crestor) artificially suppress the liver from naturally producing cholesterol. Statin drugs destroy the only organ that actually regulates and clears cholesterol.Side effects of statin drugs include: liver failure, muscle injury/pain in muscles/muscle breakdown, weakness, diabetes, confusion/not thinking straight, memory loss and more.
One rich meal won’t make a difference.More heart attacks occur during the holidays than any other time of the year due to the rich diets people eat on holidays. Just one meal can make a difference.
High cholesterol is hereditary.High Cholesterol is NOT hereditary. You weren’t born into a family that gets heart disease. You were born to a family that enjoys food loaded with saturated fat/cholesterol/trans fat.
Coconut oil will help raise HDL, which can then lower LDLWhile coconut and other oils may raise HDL, they also increase LDL because of their saturated fat content making this a totally ineffective strategy.
Adding oats to my diet will lower my cholesterol.Fiber (Oats have only 4g/cup) is sometimes recommended because it speeds up digestion. Sluggish digestion leads to cholesterol being reabsorbed before it is eliminated.
Nuts and seeds are heart healthy and lower cholesterol.Nuts and seeds contain saturated fat & Phytosterols, a cholesterol lookalike that can compete with cholesterol for reabsorption for a 3% potential reduction in cholesterol, but the saturated fat content could initially raise cholesterol minimizing any benefits.This study was conducted by the nut industry. Results may be compromised.

Trust Your Liver to Produce All the Cholesterol You Need in Perfect Balance

  • The liver produces, regulates and clears cholesterol.
  • The body uses naturally produced cholesterol wherever it is needed for the synthesis of Vitamin D, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, adrenalin, and the formation of every cell.
  • HDL attaches to unused LDL and carries it away through the blood stream to prevent excessive levels of LDL.
  • Fatty liver and Statin drugs block this LDL cholesterol clearing mechanism.

Lower Total Cholesterol with Nutritional Intervention

  • Eating a Protective Diet is the fastest route to lowering cholesterol.
  • Eliminate ALL dietary cholesterol.
  • Dietary Forms of Cholesterol include:

– Cholesterol—in all animal products (most common source is eggs & chicken)

– Saturated fat—in all animal products, nuts, avocado, coconut, oils (cheese, ice cream, pork and chicken)

– Trans fat—in all processed fats (junk foods)

  • Don’t worry about the ratios of HDL and LDL; just get the total cholesterol score low.
  • Make yourself heart attack proof by attaining a total cholesterol score below 150.
  • In addition to diet, exercise can raise HDL without raising LDL.

Cooking Tips


  • You could be a ticking time bomb. Stop it with the nuts and the Trans fats and the “once-in-a-whiles”. There is no “one handful of nuts” when you have high cholesterol.
  • We can’t leave it to our doctor to decide…doctors are not trained in nutritional intervention for vascular disease. They are trained in cardiovascular medicine, heavily influenced by drug companies.
  • It’s challenging for doctors to direct their patients to this kind of nutritional intervention, but you have Protective Diet Education to support you, keep you on track, give you a great understanding of what is going on in your body and help you  to better explain it to your friends and family so they take you seriously and possibly adopt it as well, giving you a healthy family and community of friends.

There is no dancing around this. This is serious.

This is your life.

Recommended Recipes

Chocolate Truffles
Swedish Meatballs

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    Class Description:

    This class clears up confusing claims about cholesterol. Large molecules, like cholesterol, damage the inter cellular junctions between endothelial cells, allowing deposits to build up and obstruct blood flow. A diet that protects the endothelium has the power to reverse and prevent buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. Be heart attack proof with the full, consistent application of a Protective Diet.

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