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Class #263 – Bag of Questions

Julie Marie May 26, 2020

Protective Diet Class #263

Bag of Questions

This class offers immediate support for all levels of practice from Newbies and Pros to Day Fasters. Answers to an influx of questions are documented here so everyone can benefit and learn together. You are part of a massively happy, healthy community of support.


  1. Ask questions in our official support group, or in our Facebook community Protective Diet Living (PDL).
  2. Join us in Classes & Chats or Live Coaching Hour. Bring questions and get personalized support from Julie Marie and Jerry.
  3. Email [email protected] for technical support.
  4. Shop an independent source for low-cost, high-quality PD staples in bulk.


Optimal HealthPD GrooveDetox & Tastebud ReprogramDay FastingAutophagy
ProtectionRestrictionEssential Kitchen ToolsChronically FedGhrelin

Action Steps for Everyone

  • Know Julie Marie’s Role
  • Julie Marie’s role in Protective Diet Education is to study cutting-edge research and transform it into innovative recipes and lifestyle applications that offer protection from disease every day and help you enjoy and sustain optimal health.
  • She teaches kitchen systems and cooking techniques that make you look and feel like a plant-based superstar.
  • Julie Marie answers questions live during Classes & Chats and Live Coaching Hour. Get immediate support here.
  • Master Your Level of PD Practice
Newbies (Heal Cells) Dealing with Newbie overwhelm: Navigate the website and read the Frequently Asked Questions. –
Classroom—click here to enter the classroom for live Classes & Chats and Live Coaching Hour. –
Class Schedule–shows you what is coming up. All times listed are in Central Standard Time. Adjust to your time zone. –
Archives—enter a subject matter or 3-digit class number in the search box to customize your own learning. –
Recipes–enter a fresh ingredient, pantry staple or recipe name in the green search box to narrow down options. Start with the Recipes. The recipes are your guide. They contain everything you need to eat to achieve optimal health. – read all parts of the recipe before you start cooking. The description, ingredients, directions and notes will save you fails. Create a simple meal plan for yourself: – select a breakfast you can enjoy every morning such as Oats or a Yogi Bowl. – select a lunch you can eat every day such as Mock Tuna Salad on Ezekiel bread or Baked Tortilla Chips with Salsa. – select a handful of recipes you would like to try for dinner. Ask for favorite recipe recommendations. – every PD recipe is a celebration of optimal health. Eat what appeals to you without restriction. Shake the diet mentality. Stock your PD pantry with ingredients for the recipes you enjoy. The same ingredients are used in multiple recipes.
Make the premium version of a recipe, rather than the free version for the latest and greatest taste experience.
Invest in two essential kitchen tools: a high-speed blender and an electric pressure cooker.
Keep the junk out. Eat through cravings as your body detoxifies. Enjoy yourself. Make every bite count toward your goal.
Practice 100% so your taste buds can reprogram to enjoy fat-free, sugar-free foods. Taste sensitivity increases over time. Detox & Taste bud Reprogram: Watch the supporting lessons to help you through detox. Find them in the Guide to Optimal Health.Fatigue/body aches may be most intense during your third or fourth week of detox as your body does a massive cleaning.
Replace coffee with a PD Beverage ritual. Tea contains Catechins, which are very protective & feed beneficial gut microbes. Dilute caffeinated teas by combining them with other teas in your own custom blend–add a pinch of each.Weight loss average is 10lbs/month, but the body releases fat in clusters, not at an even monthly rate. Lose the scale.
Focus on making this an enjoyable and sustainable new lifestyle. The weight loss will happen as a natural side effect.
Prewrite your testimonial as if your struggles are gone and you have achieved what you set out to do.Take a BEFORE photo on Day 1 and monthly going forward. Record changes in a Calendar of Achievements. Don’t get caught up in the details. Just start cooking the recipes. Results happen fast!
PD Pros (Protect Cells) After your 30-day detox, if you are feeling fatigue, address the root issue: Do you need a nap? Are you bored? Thirsty? In need of an active break or stretching routine? Are you slipping off-plan foods or coffee back in? Treat yourself right.
Pay attention to your hunger. Consider stopping the snacks. Give your body a break from being in a chronically fed state.
PD recipes can last for 2 or 3 meals. Give yourself a break and enjoy leftovers. To half rice/pasta recipes, cut ingredients in half and follow the original cooking time and temperature. Do not half Baked Goods. Portion and freeze extras instead.
If you cannot find an ingredient, make a different recipe. Recipe results are not guaranteed with ingredient substitutions.
Feeling cold post exercise is a sign of efficiency and fitness. Get moving, stretch to get your blood flowing, drink a hot PD Beverage, dress in layers, wear slippers, take a hot bath or lay in the sunshine.
Add some form of stress relief to your practice. Stress changes the gut microbiota, reducing the lactobacillus population.
Recommendation: a guided meditation for 12-minutes a day will strengthen the gut microbiome.
Stop drinking alcohol for maximum fat loss. Fat is not burned when the liver is detoxing from booze. You are becoming a cooking pro and it’s producing the most dramatic results you’ve ever experienced.
Day Fasters (Recycle Cells) Day Fasting is not a necessary practice in order to achieve optimal health. Julie Marie added it after years of being in the PD Groove to help her overcome listlessness and lack of food excitement post-opioid addiction from brain surgeries.
Get through the 30-day Detox before Day Fasting. It can be challenging if you are experiencing withdrawals/cravings.
Ease the body into Day Fasting: stop the snacks®skip breakfast®”Linner” (late lunch/early dinner) ®late dinner.
Reference the printable Fast and Feast Guide for specific guidance rules. Watch or listen to the Day Fasting classes.Day Fasting Benefits Timeline (hours after your last bite): – 12 Hours—HGH increases for anti-aging benefits including accelerated muscular development. – 13-15 Hours—Body switches to fat-burn. Ketones are produced. You might feel a slight craving to eat at this switch. – 17 Hours—Autophagy/Cellular Recycling begins if the liver does not have to filter ingested/topical/environmental toxins. – 24 hours—Miracle healing. High energy because of ketones. Inflammation goes way down. Repairs to neurons in the brain. Depression is lifted. GABA and serotonin go up. Blood pressure drops rapidly—be careful if you are on meds. Notice signs of Autophagy in fast-healing cuts/burns, short-lived blemishes, moles falling off. Take notes in your calendar.
Food does not give instant energy. It produces insulin to aid digestion, which causes energy to plummet. Drink instead.
After digestion, the body can easily get enough calories to support energy needs from the clean fuel of excess body fat.
More calories=decreased microbiome diversity. Our goal is to decrease calories while increasing variety in the diet.Caloric restriction/low BMI is not something to fear. It promotes longevity, anti-aging, cellular healing & protection.
Weight will level off. If you drop below your desired BMI, just extend your fasting window and eat a little more.
Fast time and duration matter if you want to maximize benefits. Do not sacrifice your practice to accommodate others’ mealtimes and needs. Your fasting will benefit all other activities/people in your life. Drink a non-caloric beverage instead.
Take the focus off weight loss and put it on anti-aging & disease prevention so others won’t question your choices.
Keep your fast time consistent every day to train the hunger hormone ghrelin, and regulate digestion/elimination.
Fasting reduces inflammation more than an anti-inflammatory diet. You are becoming a superhuman of healing. The post-exercise muscle recovery period is non-existent when day fasting in conjunction with an anti-inflammatory Protective Diet.
Mental clarity and focus improve when insulin is low. Autophagy cleans away dead cells in the brain that block signals. No chef’s treats. Make your first bite amazing! TGIF—Thank Goodness I Fasted!


  • I want you to be the healthiest person your friends and family know. You are going to be a walking billboard of success and you deserve to be the resource everyone turns to, and refers others to, when they are longing for optimal health.

“Your success is my greatest reward.”

Recommended Recipes

Flatbread PizzaTomato Cream SauceFlower WaterCaraway Coffee
Slaw SauceFrostyPlant-based EtouffeeBlue Chai

Recommended Classes

#260 Day One on a Protective Diet#257 Gut Microbiome & Wellbeing#248 Self-Awareness Training
#125 Kitchen Tools: Beginner Essentials#265 What’s Your Food Mood#200 Stop the Snacks Challenge
#156 Calendar of Achievements#264 Two Years Day Fasting on PD#221 Day Fast and Feast

Class Description:

This class offers immediate support for all levels of practice from Newbies and Pros to Day Fasters. Answers to an influx of questions are documented here so everyone can benefit and learn together. You are part of a massively happy, healthy community of support.

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