Protective Diet helped me recognize the corruption in the American food industry and in other areas


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At the start of my PD journey:
1) In my late 30s and the mother of 3 small children
2) At my heaviest at 170lbs. I am only 5’3” and the weight was taking a toll on my body.
3) I felt depressed, dealt with anxiety, started having lower back pain, had little to no energy and could not keep up with housework or my kids. I was very irritable.

PD Journey
1) Learning Curve: there certainly was a learning curve. I had to learn what foods to avoid, and to get into the habit of always checking the label on store bought items and to read the ingredient list. It took me a while but I had to learn what brands were a good to and which brands were an absolute NO. With the help of my PD community, I learned where to source quality ingredients online when I couldn’t find them through local shops and farmers.
2) Roadblocks: Falling off PD taught me a great deal. It taught me how my body physically reacted to non-PD foods and how I emotionally would change on non-PD foods. My body would immediately start to hurt – my stomach would bloat, my hands would get inflammation and my fingers would start to feel stiffness and tightness, my face would blow up with acne, I would start to feel the emotional impact as well – anxiety would rear its ugly head.
3) Discouragement and lack of support: I always had people in my life telling me that what I was doing was not sustainable. I never got encouragement nor did I receive compliments along my journey. This is where the online PD community had to carry me and at times, lift me up when I was down. It was interesting to see how people in my life would discourage me, put me down, and even sabotage my lifestyle. After I cleared my pantry of all non-PD food, my spouse would turn around and bring boxes of groceries home that were all non-PD and be smiling b/c he got a great deal (even though we had discussions of how that very food is poison). Family members would tell me being so critical about ingredients was silly, and that the preservatives were necessary and harmless. All I could do was shake my head, bc those same individuals are obese and trying to tell me what healthy is. I still cannot understand these experiences, other than these people are under mind control and are blind to the corruption right in their face.
Weight Loss: 170lbs to 129lbs (41lb loss in a 6 month period)
1) More energy to maintain house
2) Less irritable at the end of the day
3) No more back pain
4) Skin on face is clear and young and no acne
5) Inflammation in face and neck is gone. In my arms and legs, I see muscles for the first time in over a decade.
Learnings along the way
1) Throw everything out in the kitchen and storage that is not PD. You know its there, it will haunt you until you eat it.
2) Don’t host or show up to family functions without a PD meal pre-made. And do not keep non-PD foods from that function around.
3) Coffee makes me hungry after I drink it. I love it so much and it is so hard for me not to have a cup once in a while. I still make excuses to have it.
4) Sugar and chocolate are my weakness. I must have pre-made treats for my moments of weakness so I don’t make excuses and cave to my cravings.
5) Start incorporating PD with your family/kids. It is so hard to make 2 different meals all the time. Everyone needs to be PD, otherwise we are allowing ill-health to creep into the lives of our loved ones.
6) Food prep on Sunday. Plan for the week. When I don’t have a plan, I cheat. I cave easily and make excuses to regress to old habits.
7) Make PD drinks Sunday night for the entire week. Batch cook tea in a big pot and put in mason jars to grab during week.
8) Azure Standard, organic foods, local farmers. STOP going to corporate chains and big box stores – they are full of shit food and temptation.
9) Eat whole foods = no need for parasite cleanses, supplements/vitamins. Your body is already in an ideal environment where parasites and disease cannot live.
10) Mega Corporations and billionaire private equity companies have poisoned the food supply – stay away from them. They don’t care about your health and include carcinogens and toxic ingredients in their products. Go back to making your own stuff with raw ingredients or buy locally made.
11) You will continuously battle with loved ones who are brainwashed/under mind control regarding food that comes from big box stores and buying organic. They do not believe there is anything wrong with non-organic or canned goods with preservatives. They are focused on cost and getting what is cheapest. They will make store runs and bring home non-PD foods that you have to then deal with. I have resorted to removing it from my house b/c ultimately, I run into issues where I eventually eat it. I donate what I can or give to neighbors. This is where it is super important to regroup with Julie and Jerry on weekly calls for support and get encouragement and reinforcement of the lifesaving benefits of PD.
12) PD started as a food thing, but now has permeated into all aspects of my life. I now recognize the corruption not only in our food supply, but in medicine/pharma, chemicals and cleaning supplies, detergents, deodorants. PD led me to uncover food dye additives as being the culprit of my daughter’s behavior issues.
13) The body can and will heal itself given the right conditions. Through the teachings of Jerry and Julie, as well as Julie’s cancer testimony prove this.
Favorite PD recipes I make all the time
• Oatmeal with applesauce, cinnamon, esugar, banana
YO-Chi jars with pineapples, cherries, cinnamon, esugar
Alfredo pasta with broccoli
• Toasted sourdough topped with hummus, sprouts, spicy jalapeno kraut
• Warm Taco Bell meat with chips or in a salad crunch wrap
Cinnamon Toast Crunchies with banana and cold soymilk


  1. Liz, thank you for sharing your journey! It really DOES help inspire and support all of us to keep going or to jump back on the PD train…I’ve had a few derailments 😉 But we have to keep going and as Jerry says, “Focus on the next bite”. Thank you , Julie Marie for telling us about her testimonial in today’s chat! I needed to read it!!! Liz, I never thought about trying to stay away from the big grocery stores because they are very tempting and for me, not even with food! Do you know how many times I’ve come away with clothes or home decor I didn’t need? Waaaay too many times! So I had an aha-moment that not only will I be saving my body and budget with better food, but if I start shopping differently, I will help save money overall and I really need to do that! Thanks again Liz 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. Loved reading this! Thank you so much for sharing. I can relate on so many levels—especially on sharing my space with people who choose to eat poison like there are no consequences. Celebrating you!

    1. I am so glad my testimony is able to help uplift others.

      The Bible tells us in the Book of Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.”

      Our testimony is so important, and we must share it with others, in order to defeat the enemy.

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